[ Letter to the Editor ]

Mister or Misses Editor:
I have seen the behavior of some kids at school, thanks to Mrs. Johnson’s experience and I must say that the way she handled them was remarkable. Many times we see how problematic children roll over teachers’ authority and think they are “the bosses”. The idea is not that teachers see themselves as dictators and keepers of discipline but as guides and mentors. Teachers must acknowledge themselves, not as robots who are meant to talk and talk about certain contents but, as humans: with problems, a social background and specially, feelings. Teachers should never forget that they were students once, and that they are dealing with children. Even though, they must also be aware that sometimes, teachers can not save everyone, and sometimes they might be “selling a dream, that those kids can not afford”. And by this, I do not mean that they should not try, just be aware that failure is a possibility.

Guillermo González M.
English Pedagogy Student

6 comentarios:

Fernanda said...

Dear guillermo:
It's also possible when a student refuses to your help, because some of them think you are like "selling" a dream instead of offering something real. but I think that nobody is "god". I meant that we can do whatever is possible, in order to help them, but if they don't want your feedback.. ok, it's sad but just let them go.

Don't kill me because of my oppinion :S
take care, ridiculator! :D

Tstar said...

"And by this, I do not mean that they should not try, just be aware that failure is a possibility." I agree. Teachers are not gods or goddesses, they are human beings just like everybody else.
Good reflection.

Nicki said...

What a great letter to the Editor you did!
I strongly believe that Miss Johnson changed some students' lives with her attitude of being more than just a robot who doesn't have feelings, but as you wrote, it is quite difficult to save some students who don't want help :/
This is something that every teacher need to keep in mind.
Well, once again, you did a very nice work...
best wishes,
bye :*

Miguel Pino said...

I think that you are talking about a great subject that we have actually never concider. The very idea that we are not going to be bale to help each and everyone of the students in the class room. But we don't have to give up!!
we have to keep trying.
great job.

katherine_SM said...

I liked your phrase selling a dream I think this represents chilean education reality

Morgana said...

I agree with fernanda, I think that the dream shouldn't be selled, it must be offered. But I also agree with you in all the rest of the letter. I have only one question, why is it there your "rut"?


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