[ Autobiography ]

I was born in a small town in the seventh region of Chile named Parral on September the 30th, 1987. I am the youngest of 4 siblings. For that I am a spoiled boy. My mother is a housekeeper. She works doing handicraft and bakery. My dad is an environmental engineer. He works as a Health Inspector for the Health Ministry.

As a young boy I had many economic problems. I used to live in a very bad neighborhood. As time went by, things started to be better. Nowadays my family owns their own house in a good and nice neighborhood.

I studied in a semi private school. It was a Catholic School. I was always a pain in the neck for all the teachers and people that worked there. I was expelled from school several times. My mom always managed to get me back on classes. During school I made awesome friends. I keep them until these days. Teachers used to sign me up for lots f workshops, such as “Acting”, “Poetry”, “Singing”, and so on. Mother Superior on my school also made me go to church. Due to this I became an altar boy when I was fourteen. I quit being an altar boy, because I did not feel happy with religion. Nowadays I consider myself an agnostic.
When I finished school, I had to come to live here in Santiago. I livewith my older brother, in a small room downtown. It affected me a lot. I was so used to a small town. I was also used to always hang around with my friends and family. I came here to become an English teacher at Alberto Hurtado University.

Two years ago, my parents split. They are not divorced yet. This affected, and affects me enormously. This event took me into a deep depression. Thanks to my depression I had to stop studying for a year. I stopped during the whole 2008. During that time I worked as a receptionist at a Hostel. It has been one of the best experiences I have ever had.
I wish I could finish my career without too many problems. Travel around the world. To get embedded on the different cultures of the world is the goal of my life.

1 comentarios:

Patty Potter said...

nice biography of yours.

Dunno how I got here, but now that I did, I read all you wrote. Amazing.
Love ya

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