[ Letter to the Editor ]

Mister or Misses Editor:
I have seen the behavior of some kids at school, thanks to Mrs. Johnson’s experience and I must say that the way she handled them was remarkable. Many times we see how problematic children roll over teachers’ authority and think they are “the bosses”. The idea is not that teachers see themselves as dictators and keepers of discipline but as guides and mentors. Teachers must acknowledge themselves, not as robots who are meant to talk and talk about certain contents but, as humans: with problems, a social background and specially, feelings. Teachers should never forget that they were students once, and that they are dealing with children. Even though, they must also be aware that sometimes, teachers can not save everyone, and sometimes they might be “selling a dream, that those kids can not afford”. And by this, I do not mean that they should not try, just be aware that failure is a possibility.

Guillermo González M.
English Pedagogy Student

[ Salvador Dali´s Crucifixion Hypercube ]


This painting portrait in a very unique way a man that represents Jesus, floating in front of an unfolded hypercube that represents the cross in which Jesus was crucified. A hypercube is a geometrical form that could be defined as a “four dimension cube”. This painting has no certain meaning and it is open to interpretation. When exhibited in 1954, religious people said it was blasphemy and stated it was outrageous. It is, for me, just a surrealistic impression of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

I like this painting due to the fact that I really enjoy surrealism. The representation of the world as something unique and different is something that I really value. Since I was a teenager I had a fixation with religion. I have spent a lot of time reading and researching about it; Buddhism, Judaism, Catholicism where the main issues I’ve researched. When I saw this painting I felt like I have found a new way of looking at religion. Dalí represented on it’s painting a singular and personal way of seeing things. To see things and appreciate them in an alternative way is what we as future teachers should be able to do.
